Smart Brain – Intelligent Personal Assistants for F.A.S.Ter Stroke Detection

Every 20 minutes an Austrian citizen suffers from a stroke. Only a third of the affected people fully recover, while approximately 20 percent die....


gogopad - backpain! – horrible! It would take something easy and simple! A tool that you won´t forget, because it remains, where it´s most needed. A gadget that...

Coch-LEA – A Listening Exercise Adventure to increase motivation and success... Around 466 Million people worldwide have disabled hearing loss and 44 Million of these are children. In Austria one to two children in 1000 are born with...

eTherapy: A Remote Nutrition Monitoring Solution for Oncology Patients Why? We want to reduce the number of cancer patients that suffer from malnutrition. Nutrition, and particularly malnutrition, is a key concern in cancer management, with...

Chin-Up – Notice the World around you!

Introduction: Smartphones and mobile devices are more and more present in our daily life. With the constant growth of mobile users all over the world,...

Parktiv – The family gaming app for active playing in the... Background: Due to the limited possibilities of physical activities in cities, it is essential to create new approaches to increase children's and their family...

eHealth Wallet

The aim of eHealth Wallet is to close the gap between pre-clinical examinations and hospital admission. At the moment, still most of the medical reports...

DWR – Digital Waiting Room

WHY? Crowded waiting areas in practitioner’s offices bear a high risk of cross infections because they are environments with limited space, high risk of biological...

Reborn – Increase your running economy

Human locomotion has one priority, economy. Running is an increasingly popular sport with extensive health benefits, but also with a relatively high incidence of...

LiFeStream – Improving communication in out of hosptial cardiac arrest

LiFeStream is a research project during a master course called digital healthcare in a project team of three members within four Semesters. The research project...