Web Technologies Showreel 2017 – OpenGov Data Vis

Im Zuge der Lehrveranstaltung "Webtechnologien" mit Studiengangsleiter Jakob Doppler entstand vom Studenten Kurt Höblinger eine Web App, die dem User den kürzesten Web mit...


LOGOsphere – is a weblog from speech and language therapists for speech and language therapists. While researching a subject, it often happens that you have...

Medical Flossing

This relatively new physiotherapeutical method to reduce pain in a joint or increase mobility is called "medical flossing". Through ligation of tissue with an...

VAP-Voice Assistant Patient

The success of medical therapy strongly depends on the compliance of the patients and on their understanding of the importance of the therapy measures....
Auditory hearing aid symbol and defibrilator symbol fused together

Signs of Life

Background Around 70-170 people in 100,000 suffer sudden cardiac arrest every year in Europe, making it the third leading cause of death . Early cardiopulmonary...