VIPER – Virtual Patient Education in Radiotherapy – Alexander Raith
VIPER is a prototype of a virtual information tool for cancer patients facing their first radiotherapy session. The aim of this progam is to...
Parktiv – The family gaming app for active playing in the...
Background: Due to the limited possibilities of physical activities in cities, it is essential to create new approaches to increase children's and their family...
TelePrevApy – Guidelines and System for Teletherapy
On you marks! > Get set! > Go!
Watch our video and learn about our prototype TelePrevApy a system application consisting of ready-to-use portable stand-system...
Occlusal plane measurement unit
This "How to" video is about using the Occlusal plane measurement unit with the Reference articulator. The application of the occlusal plane measurement device...
Koordinative Übungen mit dem Jonglierball
Diese Übungen sind besonders für Personen mit Koordinationsschwierigkeiten jedes Alters geeignet. Jeder kann die Übungen lernen! Jonglieren zeigt deutlich die Plastizität des Gehirns, also...
PENguin – Gaming App to perform graphomotor movements in a playful...
ProblemIn recent years it has been observed that fine motor and graphomotor skills of preschool and elementary school children have continuously decreased. This can...
Kinesio-Tape Anlage: Stabilisation Sprunggelenk
Dieses Video zeigt eine Kurzanleitung einer Stabilisierenden Kinesiotape-Anlage für das Sprunggelenk. Diese dient zur Unterstützung im Alltag und im Sport.
Wie mache ich eine Keksspinne?
“Wie mache ich eine Keksspinne?”
Masterstudiengang Digital Healthcare
Grundlagen der Medienproduktion, Distribution, Web-Technologien
Berghammer Maximilian, BSc
Wir Ergotherapeuten und Ergotherapeutinnen legen großen Wert darauf, die Eigenverantwortung und Selbständigkeit...
KARLI – Kidfriendly Augmented Reality Learning Interface
Maintaining a healthy body and being able to make healthy decisions is hardly possible if we do not have basic understanding and knowledge...