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Signs of Life

Background Around 70-170 people in 100,000 suffer sudden cardiac arrest every year in Europe, making it the third leading cause of death . Early cardiopulmonary...


What is the problem we are trying to resolve? In Austria, there are nearly 300,000 people who lack proper or sufficient German language skills. This...

iStoppFalls – Innovative Fall Prevention

Falls are a significant safety issue in healthcare, particularly for older people and people with cognitive impairment who are at increased risk due to...

Coch-LEA – A Listening Exercise Adventure to increase motivation and success...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imWkXuvwJEc Around 466 Million people worldwide have disabled hearing loss and 44 Million of these are children. In Austria one to two children in 1000 are born with...

BreathX – Stressfree Radiotherapy

  Audio-visual feedback to gently guide mamma-carcinoma patients through radiotherapy - A prototype in non-clinical setting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO5JiAbQezw Background: In Austria one in eight women is affected by mamma-carcinoma (Gnant...

MirReha – a smart mirror for patients with Parkinson’s disease

The smart mirror “MirReha” addresses patients with Parkinson’s disease, they use the mirror to perform exercises at home in addition to speech therapy. https://youtu.be/dbaPvv5hoI4 Background: The Parkinson’s...

ACTivate – a new way of workplace health promotion

https://youtu.be/zcEBUcoOO3k Background: The increasing digitalization of work as well as new information and communication technologies enable networking and connectivity around the globe and allow people...

WAROMA – a new waiting room management

WAROMA - a new waiting room management https://youtu.be/bJvv1-6HaFE Summary Sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office or clinic is a shared experience across nearly all humankind....

SleepyHead – Improving well-being and mental health by targeting sleep with...

Background Mental health disorders are one of the major public health issues worldwide with an estimated 970 million people (one in ten) living with a...

WEscape – Escape room games for undergraduate interprofessional learning based on...

Health professionals are one of the crucial parts of a well-functioning health system. Effective patient-oriented care can only be guaranteed by increasing the co-operation...