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Tag: DHC

Hospital Check-in – The Digital Patient Onboarding

Background: Currently, digitalization has an impact on almost all areas of life and industries, and results in standardization and automation of processes. Due to the...

NWNutrientComparatorVVVV: Helping Dietitian visualize recommended nutrient intake and actual patient’s intake...

In order to facilitate the process of comparing recommended nutrients with the nutrients actually eaten by a patient this VVVV-patch calculates, using the Harris-Benedict-Formula,...

DHC SUCCESS STORY – Information Platform in cooperation with UNHCR

www.deinasylverfahren.at UNHCR (The UN Refugy Agency) Austria elected a project team of the FH St. Pölten under the leadership of Jakob Winkler, student of the...

onBeat – Training in your Target Heart Rate Zone

onBeat is a mobile phone based application which uses music to support sportive people while running activities. It is proved that music influences our...

LiFeStream – Improving communication in out of hosptial cardiac arrest

LiFeStream is a research project during a master course called digital healthcare in a project team of three members within four Semesters. The research project...

Reborn – Increase your running economy

Human locomotion has one priority, economy. Running is an increasingly popular sport with extensive health benefits, but also with a relatively high incidence of...