LiFeStream – Improving communication in out of hosptial cardiac arrest



LiFeStream is a research project during a master course called digital healthcare in a project team of three members within four Semesters.

The research project is in cooperation with the Dispatch Centre of Lower Austria (144 Notruf Niederösterreich GMBH) and the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni Wien).

The aim of the real-time feedback system LiFeStream is to increase the efficiency of a Telephone assisted, bystander CPR. LiFeStream uses mobile, multimedia and multisensual tools to visualize the CPR. LiFeStream visualize and calculate the data of the accelerometer from the smartphone of the lay-rescuer in real time on a website ( Thereby the dispatcher can check the effectiveness of resuscitation and provide feedback prompts to the lay-rescuer.


The project “LiFeStream” deals with the development of a medical application, which aims to support people in emergency situations. As described above already often laymen lack the experience in order to conduct an appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It would be an enormous enhancement if the CPR could be further investigated and enhanced by the call taker which normally guides the laymen anyway.

As nowadays nearly everyone uses a smartphone, which includes various sensor types the idea was to use one specific (the Accelerometer) to enhance the chest compression rate (CCR) and chest compression depth (CCD). The application will transmit the gathered data real time to the call taker who sees it visualized on a website and can give direct feedback to the reanimating person.

The following figures show an example user interface with the basic functionality of the application:













Demonstration Video

Peter Pavlecka (student. Projektleiter)
Florian Grassinger (Student)
Stefan Loitzl (Student)
Jakob Doppler (Coach)

Helmut Ritschl (Studiengangsleiter)
