Virtual Reality Therapy


The goal of this project is to create a software solution for Virtual Reality Therapy which gives a therapist the possibility to select from a collection of Virtual Reality exercises and mini games for each patient.

The focus is to find an option for patients in stroke rehabilitation with the goal to provide a cost efficient solution that might grant faster therapy success and higher patient motivation. The software is intended to be used in rehabilitation centres.

A prototype has been made which is able to save and directly analyse the patients’ movements data (e.g. alert if the patient uses the left hand 30% less than the right hand or looks more to the right side than the left) while the exercise is running.

The therapist should be able to directly adjust parameters of the game via tablet-app on the go with a simple and user-friendly design. For example, the amount of 3D-objects or object colour, as well as the degree of vision field in which the objects are displayed.

Also, there are report features to measure progress and long term outcome and loss of connection to the mobile-App.

To evaluate the new software, the team members were constantly testing the prototype. In addition an ethic request was submitted, so that patients can test the virtual reality exercises and give feedback. Since the ethic request was declined, the software has been evaluated by 5 therapists and 1 ophthalmologist.

Overall, the participants gave a highly positiv feedback. However, a guided on-screen tour might help people to better understand the app.

Our next goal is to create an open platform for Unity developers to create new exercises which can be used within the VR Therapy App.


Team-members: Kurt Höblinger, Martin Kucera, Julia Pirkl, Johanna Wagesreither

Supervisor: Matthias Husinsky