Glioblastoma multiforme Information-Website: Disease, Treatment and more


The aim of this project was to create an appropriate information website for patients with Gliablastoma multiforme tumors and their relatives. This project has a duration time of four terms. In the first term the knowledge needs of affected people were researched by performing a systematic literature review. This step was accomplished by the five group members. The goal of the second term was to create the website. Due to the drop out of the technical group member, a fusion between the studies Digital Healthcare (MSc.) and Media Technology (BSc.) was done.

The part of the project group MDH was to visualize processes with Signavio and furthermore to create contents for the website and the colleagues from the Media Technology created a framework of the website and first visualizations of treatment steps based on these inputs.

The following picture shows the mock-up of the website.

The object of the third term is to create an evaluation tool for health knowledge transfer websites.

A project at the St. Pölten University of Applied SciencesMaster Program Digitale Healthcare

Project Coaches: Katharina Kaiser & Helmut Ritschl