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Tag: MDH14

DWR – Digital Waiting Room

WHY? Crowded waiting areas in practitioner’s offices bear a high risk of cross infections because they are environments with limited space, high risk of biological...

LiFeStream – Improving communication in out of hosptial cardiac arrest

LiFeStream is a research project during a master course called digital healthcare in a project team of three members within four Semesters. The research project...

Glioblastoma multiforme Information-Website: Disease, Treatment and more

The aim of this project was to create an appropriate information website for patients with Gliablastoma multiforme tumors and their relatives. This project has...

Reborn – Increase your running economy

Human locomotion has one priority, economy. Running is an increasingly popular sport with extensive health benefits, but also with a relatively high incidence of...

Video – First Aid at Bike Accidents

Peter Pavlecka, Stefan Loitzl (c) 2014   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-dWvSkweC4

LUCHS – Health Information Platform for People with Intellectual Disabilities

This health information platform in "easy-to-understand-language" is the result of a project of the masterprogram "Digital Healthcare". Link: http://flock-0711.students.fhstp.ac.at/ The aim of this project was to...