P.E.C.H Erste Hilfe

P.E.C.H means "Pause, Eis, Compression, Hochlagern" (english R.I.C.E) and is a first aid method in case of joint-injuries. The aim of PECH/RICE is to...

Nordic Walking – Die richtige Technik

Dieses Video zeigt die Grundtechnik des Nordic Walkings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGIXxOHn_vQ&t=29s

PAR®OT – Call Me By Your Need

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgiVZ0xBb9w INTRODUCTION With the conventional nurse call button, there is no differentiation between requests. Every alarm has to be regarded as urgent. Thus, we have developed...

Wie läuft eine CT-Untersuchung ab?

In diesem Video wird Studenten oder Berufsanfänger erklärt, wie eine CT-Untersuchung abläuft. https://youtu.be/5uuS0HSJxPM

Venösen Zugang legen



"Wir zeichnen Katze Minze" shows how to draw the cuddly  cat Minze, the favorite pet of Kräuterhexchen Mimi. Find the video here.: drawingMinze

Gesture Controlled X-Ray Model with LeapMotion, VVVV, Arduino

This is a project of the master program digital healthcare of FH St. Pölten (Austria). This prototype simulates an x-ray tube, which is controlled...

Anziehen steriler Handschuhe

In diesem Video wird das Schema des Anziehens von sterilen Handschuhens dargestellt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFvBH93yV2c&feature=youtu.be

Thoracic spine stretching
