Video Tutorial – Wie legt man einen Druckverband an?

This is a tutorial video about putting on a compression bandage. It has been developed for the master study course "Digital Healthcare" at the...

PAR®OT – Call Me By Your Need INTRODUCTION With the conventional nurse call button, there is no differentiation between requests. Every alarm has to be regarded as urgent. Thus, we have developed...

FallTec: Sensor-based fall prevention for patients with dementia Dementia increases fall risk Many elderly people suffer from the consequences of falls, which cost around 32 billion euros per year in the European union...

Coch-LEA – A Listening Exercise Adventure to increase motivation and success... Around 466 Million people worldwide have disabled hearing loss and 44 Million of these are children. In Austria one to two children in 1000 are born with...

eTherapy: A Remote Nutrition Monitoring Solution for Oncology Patients Why? We want to reduce the number of cancer patients that suffer from malnutrition. Nutrition, and particularly malnutrition, is a key concern in cancer management, with...

Nordic Walking – Die richtige Technik

Dieses Video zeigt die Grundtechnik des Nordic Walkings.

TelePrevApy – Guidelines and System for Teletherapy On you marks! > Get set! > Go! Watch our video and learn about our prototype TelePrevApy a system application consisting of ready-to-use portable stand-system...

Parktiv – The family gaming app for active playing in the... Background: Due to the limited possibilities of physical activities in cities, it is essential to create new approaches to increase children's and their family...

Pulsoxymetrie bei Neugeborenen A project at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Master Program Digitale Healthcare Project Coach: Matthias Husinsky  

HOW TO: N.medianus NCS

Nerve conduction study (NCS) In this short clip i'd like to show you how the motor and sensory NCS of the medianus nerv works.