Evaluation of a Kinect-based rehab programme with physiotherapists


Our project is heading towards the final phase! Brand-new, we are able to present the results of our investigation. You just do not remember our project? So, our project was originated to deliver initial information about virtual rehabilitation systems and technology acceptance in the field of physiotherapy. Demographic data, like working experience, age, routine with a computer, playing with a computer regularly and already using technology supported treatments in work were analysed. Also, aspects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and emotions were object of the investigation.

Due to the large number of variables, a vast amount of evaluations resulted. Now, we represent a small collection of some of our very interesting statements to our data analyses: Increasing age has a negative impact on intention to use. The less technology scepticism, the higher the intention to use. The participants do not offer fears toward  technology in conjunction with endangered employment or increased amount of work caused of the technology. Low interest in technology and poor perceived usefulness lead to the non-use of the technology. Positive psychological factors promote technology acceptance as much as user intention.

Our data analysis may be the basis for a generation of hypothesis in this special area of research.

A project at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Master Program Digitale Healthcare
Project Coach: Romana Bichler, PT, MAS