DHC SUCCESS STORY – Information Platform in cooperation with UNHCR



UNHCR (The UN Refugy Agency) Austria elected a project team of the FH St. Pölten under the leadership of Jakob Winkler, student of the Master programm “digital healthcare” to develop an online infomation platform, which should support a smart usage on mobile devices, such as smartfones.

The content presented on this website is based on an information brochure published by UNHCR Austria and the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum. The information is for children and adolescents, under the age of 18, who are alone in Austria and who applied for asylum.

The content should be available in German, English, Arabic, Dari/Farsi and Pashto.


Project team leader: Jakob Winkler
Project team members (FH St. Pölten):  Stefanie Schindler, Peter Alexander Kopciak, Jakob Doppler, Lorenz Kromer, Simon Reinsperger, Lukas Steinmetz, Lukas Bachschwell, Ulrike Wieländer,
External support: Maria Hanna (Arabic), Ghassan Cheldawi (Dari/Farsi)

A project at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Master Program Digitale Healthcare
Project Support: Helmut Ritschl, Jakob Doppler