

gogopad – backpain! – horrible!

It would take something easy and simple!
A tool that you won´t forget, because it remains, where it´s most needed.
A gadget that remindes you to lift your butt and move.

Our aim was to develop a seat mat, that you won´t feel nor will it distract you.

We used high technoloy with low power consumption and promises long running times.



We developed an app that reads data from the mat and provides statistical overview.
We designed sophisticated exercises for the workplace to compensate the long periods of sitting.

And we developed a simple and charming reminder system.
We were almost finished, only one thing was still missing.

The mat should be as individuell as you and me.
The reference must be exchangeable and so we developed different designs.

The last thing missing was the perfect name.

gogo-and stand up gadget-App & Pad – was far to much to recall and memorized
so now it´s called „gogoPad“!


The beginning…

We started our university studies not only with the vision to be a part of further evolution and development, but with the ability to see new perspectives and to achieve innovation by facts to realize aims.

We created a respectable foundation for further development by searching up to date studies.

Back pain is identified as the most common cause of work related health issues by valid science-based evidence.

Prolonged, unbroken sitting times not only cause pain in back, neck and shoulder area, it is also linked to over 30 chronic diseases and obesity.

Literature recommends to reduce sitting time and increase physical activity at least a few minutes every hour. Short breaks of activity have a positive influence on your health, mental well-being and motivation.

Great news! Periodic breaks are braced by Austrian´s labor law!

We intend to target prolonged sitting times in the workspace through a smart and unique tool and set your working environment in motion.

We proudly present our course project “gogopad”.



The main aim of the third semester of master digital healthcare course DHC5 was a evaluation of the prototype. As this topic was chosen by a team member for his master thesis there is following an overview of gogoPAD and its team on their way from unknownness to glory and richness.

First step in the semester was the decision to take part in the accelerating program Creative Pre Incubator of the FH St. Pölten. Out of this presentation the idea was born to make a startup company, which was supervised by the accelerating program ACCENT.

A lot of contacts were generated that support the development of the final prototypes as well as the further marketing.

For example, contacts to furniture manufacturers for fixed implementation in seating furniture as well as in the area of ​​microcontrollers were developed to assist in the development of prototypes for mass production.

The sensor for the measurement of the sitting time has also been revised and a test run with 10 gogopads is currently in the start phase in order to also be directly in the market feedback and to be able to take this into consideration in the further implementation.

We also want to raise the basic needs and invite all interested to fill out our questionnaire on bit.ly/gogopad_fragebogen.

Offical Project Website www.gogopad.at


A project at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Master Program Digitale Healthcare
Project Coach: FH-Prof. Jakob Doppler, MSc

Team: Birgit Schönfelder, Roman Puric, Alexander Steif, Hermann Rauschmayr